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Godzilla Movie

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Profiledefaultimage_medium Peter Saunders 6 Posts

I had a chance to see the new Godzilla movie the other day.

First I must admitt that while I have see other Godzilla movies I wouldn't call myself a Godzilla "Fan" . The early ones are admittedly very campy and stilted.

The new one wasn't good, it was great. Yes there is some suspension of reality, but you know what your getting. The special CG effects made this reboot entirely thrilling, and the plot was very believeable [as Godzilla movies go] I could have more of Brian Cranston but the other characters made up for it, and it was not over the top "soupy" in the "I'll save you" department.

Loved it, but the second time around, I will wait for it to come out on DVD.


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